Friday 10 September 2010

Is Getting Pregnant The New Fashion Trend

Why do girls need to get pregnant in their teens? .....Why do they want a baby?..... Do their baby fathers stay with them?..... Is it a fashion trend?...... So many questions involving teenage pregnancy these days like come on what ever happened to having a future living your life getting a J.O.B even higher education. NOT going on benefit and being a burden to your parents. Teenage girls having baby is the latest fashion trend so many big bellies everywhere i go. Prams going on buses, You know the funny part there still beeping 11-15 oyster cards lmao come on how sad is that now everyone going to know you had sex but on a serious note it’s not really a joke its shocking and the worst part is you got those girls on face book YES face book saying "OMG is that your baby he is gorgeous my baby is coming in a couple of weeks" i am thinking having a baby from the ages of 11-15 is acceptable really what is this world coming to in fact what is London coming to. The government need to do something quick rather than tax the people that work they need to give those people on benefits food vouchers rather than money like these young people are really going to spend their child benefits money on their child there are just going to dump it with their parents, come on i know but obviously there are those young mums who plan for their baby and will spend child benefit money on their child. But what i really want to know is what guys in 2010 or 2009 have actually took care of their child meaning feeding the child, buying clothes, toys, being a father. These boys today complain how they never had a father figure in their life when they are making the same mistake their father did to them how will they break the cycle! They need to take responsibility. I’m sorry the girl didn’t make the baby by herself now did she. But don’t get me wrong there are those girls that lie about being pregnant but when you see their belly ain’t growing they use the line “i had a miscarriage” so i do feel some boys in that situation girls you don’t need to lie and listen when i say this it’s pathetic ok so stop doing it you look stupid.

Thought of the day life is what you make it, not what it makes you don’t think small think big

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